Spiders in the garage? Eek! No one wants to be confronted by a huge web, or eight legs waving at them when they go into the garage. Spiders can be a tricky problem.
But, we have some fail safe methods for how to get rid of spiders in your garage, so you don’t have to be looking over your shoulder every time you go in there.
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How To Keep Spiders Out Of Garage?

There are many ways you can keep spiders out of your garage – though it seems like they have homing devices!
Conkers are widely thought to deter spiders. You can do a lot worse than placing a few around the places that spiders get in!
Essential oils
Essential oils are a great spider deterrent. Try Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Lavender, as these strong smells will likely deter spiders from entering.
Web vacuuming
Web vacuuming is a good option, because a spider needs its web to survive. Without it, it should hopefully wander off and look for a better place to stay.
Blocking up any small holes
Blocking up any small holes is another good way to get spiders out – and keep them out!
Cover up pet food
Cover up pet food and ensure that there are not little crumbs or pieces of food that fall out and may attract insects (e.g. moths).
This article will show you the best way to get rid of spiders, both inside and out.
What Kills Spiders And Keep Them Away?
There are many easy, safe and convenient ways to get rid of your spider problem:
- Place a few conkers around the areas that spiders come in through. Conkers contain chemicals that spiders dislike, so you can cut a few open as well.
- Grow eucalyptus plants around your house. Spiders don’t like the smell, so they won’t want to walk over the plants to get inside.
- Rub lemon and orange peels all over your windowsills, skirting boards and bookshelves.
- Fill a spray bottle with half water and half white vinegar, and spray this liberally around your home. Don’t worry, the smell will dissipate!
- You can also use Lavender or Peppermint essential oils diluted in your spray bottle if you don’t like the smell of vinegar.
- Bleach is one of those chemicals you don’t really want spread all over your home, but for a serious spider infestation you might have to resort to something a little harsh.
Should I Kill Spiders In My Garage?

There are a couple of schools of thought about this. One is that spiders eat flies, and they generally don’t do any harm, so why not leave them be?
Another is that if you live in an area where poisonous spiders are common, you don’t really want to take the chances and leave any of them around!
If you spot a harmless spider, it is best to leave it be. It won’t do any damage, and it can help control the fly population.
However, spotting a venomous spider such as a black widow, especially if you have children or pets, can be a bit chilling.
Although it is not great for your karma, it is best for you and your family if you remove and destroy dangerous spiders as soon as you spot them.
What Is The Best Spider Repellent?
There are a few things you can do to get rid of unwanted pests around your home, and a lot of the things you can use to deter them are ingredients that might already be in your home!
Peppermint is a good spider deterrent, whether this is the essential oil or simply the plants.
Tea tree and lavender are also good oils to use as spider deterrents; simply place a few drops into a spray bottle filled with water and spritz around the place.
Cinnamon can be spread around the house where spiders get in, as this will put them off – they don’t like strong smells.
White vinegar and water in a spray bottle is also a useful deterrent – fill a spray bottle with half water and half vinegar, and watch the creepy crawlies run!
Eucalyptus is another strong smell that spiders dislike; you can either spread the essential oil around, or invest in these lovely plants to grow in your garden.
Citrus smells are something that spiders dislike too – you can rub orange peels around all your windowsills and spider entry points, with the added bonus that this will make your house smell nice too!
Conkers are something that have been touted for years as spider repellents – this may sound like an old wives’ tale, but spreading a few conkers on your windowsills has been proven to work at keeping out arachnids.
How To Get Rid Of Black Widow Spiders In Garage?
Black widows are not the kind of spiders you want in your garage. Yes, they’re more scared of us than we are of them – but if you accidentally startle or squash one, it can deliver a really nasty bite.
If you’ve spotted one (or worse, lots of them!) you don’t need to burn your garage to the ground – there are better and easier ways to remove them from your space.
- They dislike strong smells, so you can spread essential oils around the place to keep them away. Peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree are recommended.
- Vinegar is incredibly harsh on a spider’s body, so sprinkling this liberally around the place will help keep them away.
- Vacuuming up the webs will prevent the spiders having a safe place to sleep, so they will look elsewhere for shelter.
This video will tell you a bit more about the black widow, and how to remove them safely and easily:
Spiders, whether you love them or hate them, are not really something you want to have filling up your garage – especially if you live in a place where venomous spiders exist.
Try to get rid of them kindly and naturally, so that you don’t harm any other wildlife in your locality – hopefully you now have some ideas of how to do this!
I followed this guide and run a diffuser with lavender oil. It took some time before all spiders went away.